Vacation to MI where I was born & raised. My comfort is road signs driving home "East Cleveland" to home, home is Cleveland!!
and here's my poem:
The Sign Says, “EAST to CLEVELAND:” I Read “HOME”
You flee the routine; seeking
change, adventure.
Finding these
you wish, perhaps, for some magic
that will let you stay – release you
permanently from the
of every day events – give you leave
to abdicate the dull predictability of home.
But you know well that moment
when the glow tips over into longing.
No matter what awaits; piles of laundry,
stuffy house, sorting through the mountain
of unwanted mail - your eyes blink past
each green emblazoned sign, watching
only for the one
announcing “home.”
There's still time to tweet me thoughts on vacation or stay-cation - the topics for August. #htspoetweet
Or if you don't tweet, leave a comment below and I can work from that.
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